"Don't go into your lifestyle changes with the mindset that you have to be perfect all the time, because you don't! Instead, focus on taking baby steps towards health that will help you reach your goals"
Harshada, is a qualified Clinical Dietitian, specialised in the field of Renal nutrition and a Certified Diabetes Educator . She is experienced in managing weight/diabetes/cholesterol/PCOS/thyroid/renal/liver/gastro conditions. She strongly believes in the power of Nutrition in building the foundation of healthy lives. As a Nutritionist, she is passionate about helping others to rediscover not just the joy of eating but a passion for eating healthy joyfully. She aims to help her clients and readers improve their health with eating habits and behaviours in process of self-care and nourishment. She strongly believes that the 'Preservation of health is easier than the cure of diseases and it is any time affordable than medical bills from eating food not good for your body.'